On Giving Grace in 2020
5 years ago
Rock climbing or more specifically bouldering has become such a big part of my life and I swear it’s the weekly session that keeps me sane from life’s monstrosities. Now that I think about it, it’s been sixteen months, way back to the start of year twelve since I started. At the beginning, last year of high school and all, I skipped weeks at a time and it was a rare treat between the tutoring and exams. But nowadays no matter what is going on, it is the one thing I make time for because when you truly love something, having no time is no adequate excuse. I’m not sure exactly what draws me to it, maybe it’s the exalted feeling when you stick a hard hold, finish a climb you’ve been working on for weeks, or finally go up a level. It’s that amazing feeling when you set and break your personal goals. But not only on an individual personal level, it’s also a team sport, and the cheers and encouragement of your mates and patience as they teach and reteach a climb, that too is a integral part.
Now when people ask me what’s the best job in the world, I’d definitely say a professional climber, travelling the world, discovering and conquering the best climbs, promoting what they love and competing with like minded individuals in competitions. The lack of limitations and restraints and just doing something you love every day. In the future, I would also like to progress to outdoor climbing, but for now I’m content with indoor gyms.
And that is what climbing means to me, hopefully for years to come yet.