As always the nine months disappeared without a word, and I’m left to sift through the memories one by one to recall where they went. Savouring my last few months of the university life as I know it, before I truly will have no more excuses to entertain the title of “child”. Because, at some point in the past year, the term “adult” grew comfortable, familiar but also became one of pride and respect, earnt and not given. Confidence grew in the nooks and crannies, watered through learning experiences; teaching and mentoring first years, successfully navigating through the precarious process of pay negotiation, and achieving the best result personally and academically for design studio. Twenty three years, living, breathing, inhabiting this small little corner of the world, regretting not a moment or choice because I like who I am, I’m proud of how far I’ve come and I know I have so much further to go. 

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