Being an almost-architect requires one to split the mind and work on a multitude of different tasks at once. For example in the design of a seemingly simple stair, does it comply with codes and standards? Do you know the material, the structural integrity, the detailing, the design? How is it constructed? What is the type of wood, the type of finish, the paint colour, the colour of the wood stain? How are the pieces glued or is it a biscuit joint or mitre? How are the joints welded or where are the bolts fixed? The list goes on... and that's just one little stair.
You are expected to be a expert in all trades and know all. Some days I feel stupid, most days I feel like I know nothing and only those select few do I cheer at one of my successes. But every day without a doubt I learn. And thus I grow.
But it is hard and on the days where the stress threatens to consume, I need to remind myself that at the end of the day it is a job and nothing more. But also to grow some tougher skin, suck it up and act convincingly the pretend adult that everyone sees.
On Giving Grace in 2020
5 years ago