Sometimes I wish that there was some unknown force that could tell you what to do, what direction to take, and in my case what course to study and hence job to do which I will be happy doing for the rest of my life.
See, from the earliest of my recollections, I’ve always wanted to be a vet. Probably from the time I first found out the definition of the word, I must have wanted to be one. So as it goes, that aspiration has literally held for years, a decade at the very least of my eighteen years.
Stemming mayhap from a mere childish wish, as the years went by, it seemed a step closer and more realistic. It’s all I’ve known and wished to become.
But now I’m not too sure anymore. I’ve taken a step in the completely opposite direction, enrolling in Architectural Studies as I was unable to achieve the marks required for Veterinary science. Why didn’t I do the natural course of action of a year of veterinary bioscience and transfer? Well there’s the Asian parent factor for one, preventing me from taking a course with too low of an atar cut off.
So now the question is, at the end of this year, if I make the marks, will I still want to transfer? Should I attempt to transfer no matter what? If I happen to like architecture, should I still take the risk and transfer to vet, which I have no guarantee is right for me nor that I will like, except a childish dream decided when I was probably in year three. I really don’t know.
All I can do I guess, is hope by the end of this year, the answer will be clear to me, and hopefully it’s the right one. Sorry for rambling, just trying to figure it out by talking to myself.
On Giving Grace in 2020
5 years ago