The ocean is scary yet strangely calming. When you are but a single dot in the endless blue, bobbing up and down in the ebb and flow of the waves, you feel at peace. You may be surrounded but are still alone. The horizon in the distance a mystifying concept, calling to you yet unattainable. Then comes a wave bigger than the rest, inescapable and towering over your minute little being. A mouthful of salt. Eyes streaming with tears. Now you try to escape this large unforgiving expanse of water. But the drag pulls you back, unwilling to let go and you get out but two words before being pulled under again. Gasping, and coughing you resurface, resuming your rush to the pure white sand. Trembling and cold, you pull your world weary body to the beach towel wondering why you entered in the first place, that calm serenity a forgotten idea.
On Giving Grace in 2020
5 years ago