one. I had two best friends in primary school and the three of us were inseparable and I cared for them very much but when high school came around, we went to three completely different schools and now no longer keep in contact.
two. Me and my brother used to play Age of Empires with a set of lego blocks. The landscape used to take up an entire room as we harvested wood, ore, gold and built armies. Yes, we ignored the actual computer version and played with lego instead. Good times, I’m smiling just recalling it.
three. I used to have recurring nightmares and wake up in the middle of the night and relocate to my parent’s bed. One vivid one was my family becoming brain dead vegetables and a crazy mad scientist chasing me around the table to do the same to me.
four. I made a bet with my friend in year seven that I wouldn’t pierce my ears in high school for five dollars (that was a lot of money back then). I held out until the last term of school but relented as I wanted earrings for year twelve formal. I never did end up paying her and I still have the slip of paper we both solemnly signed in our bubble signatures.
five. Since I was in primary school up to making the final decisions for what university courses, I had my eyes set on being a veterinarian and architecture was just a random second choice. I was devastated at first that I didn’t make the cut but I feel now like it was the right choice.
six. I used to have this ragged teddy bear called Browny that I took with me everywhere. But during a tour bus trip around Europe, I left him in one of the hotels. I cried a lot the day after and begged to go back.
seven. According to my brother, Linkin Park’s One Step Closer used to be one of my favourite songs and when it came on mtv I used to scream the “shut up when I’m talking to you” part of it.
On Giving Grace in 2020
5 years ago