And so with a burst of fireworks, twenty fourteen is welcomed in with open arms. Each year, we receive a chance to wipe the slate clean and start anew in our own internal endeavours and aspirations. To get the ball rolling, here are a couple of mine.
University/Grades: do well overall, achieve a D wam.
· procrastinate less, exercise self control
· start early, do not leave til last minute and cram
· prioritise my time, schedule/timetable
Fitness: be the fittest/strongest version of myself that I can possibly be.
· cardio, more regular weekly jogs, work my way back up to 10/15km endurance
· strength, current 2013 prs: 7x75lbs bench, 4x145lbs dead lift, 10x115lbs squat, increase
· bodyweight exercise: pull ups, push ups, muscle ups
Bouldering: always improve, don't lose my passion.
· enter a competition, place if possible
· current 2013 stats: done three 11's, regularly achieve double digits by end of 2014
· more outdoor bouldering, complete sloper dan (v5)
Work: experience
· casual job, for financial income
· architectural work experience, continue to perfect portfolio
· apply as much as possible, be brave, learn from mistakes
Social: make more friends, be a better friend.
· be proactive, outgoing, don't be shy
· maintain friendships with those I care about, make the effort to meet up
· enjoy life fully
Drawing: practice makes perfect, why squander a useful skill?
· practice, practice, practice.
· fill up both random and architectural sketchbooks by end of year
· continue to work on and improve my etsy, make sales
On Giving Grace in 2020
5 years ago