Today I woke up stressed, completely and utterly stressed. I’ve been lazing around while the workload has been ever increasing, still in the mindset that gets created and firmly established in the four month break from hsc to uni. Deadlines fast approaching while I stand dazed feeling like an animal caught in the blaring headlights of an oncoming truck in the darkest depths of the night. Willing to move yet unable to move.
Two weeks into architecture and I’ve just submitted in my first assignment, definitely the first of many to come. A slight weight has been lifted off my shoulders as four becomes three. But I must say compared to other courses, architecture has definitely been quite full on. By the end of another two weeks, I would have already designed my own building, exterior and interior, into a game program which then can be physically explored by a character; drawn, analysed and altered my own home to become more environmentally friendly and sustainable; drawn out the site plan, floor plans, elevations, axonometric technical drawings of a building complete with rendering totalling most likely more than thirty hours of drawing and researched a building, compiling 60-100 hd images from the resources of all three uni’s.
Pretty crazy right?
I guess the sudden bout of stress is good in a sense to boot kick me into action. Albeit a bit late, but better than never. Let’s hope I start pulling my weight awfully soon.
On Giving Grace in 2020
5 years ago