One of the most horrible feelings is being ignored without a reason, without an explanation. You don’t remember fighting, or any harsh words. Yet you can’t shake off the feeling of despair pooling in the pit of your stomach, and you know something must be wrong. Why else would they avoid your gaze, refuse to be near and not respond to your words. Yet they still laugh and joke around with your friend. You stand off to the side, invisible, feeling more alone than ever and unable to focus on the task at hand. Then they walk away, finding somewhere else to sit. Can they not even bare the sight of you? That morning was dreadful, those few hours spent anxious and afraid, running over and over in your mind the past few days, flashes and glimpses of memories now no longer relevant, no longer important. What had you done wrong? It hurts, even more so than when the words are finally uttered “it’s not working out.”
On Giving Grace in 2020
5 years ago