Sometimes it’s nice to escape to nature. Surrounded in all directions by trees, silent and solitary. Makes you realise how small and insignificant your world really is. Silence reigns as not a spoken word is heard, as the mechanical, blaring white noise of the urban cityscape engrained into your very being fades into a distant memory. But when a breeze from places unknown chances upon you, your silent surroundings explode into a symphony of sounds. The soft chime of millions upon millions of leaves dancing with the new breath of air. The trees themselves swaying from side to side, completely in sync to an age old song that only they could hear. Overhead, the echoing cries of a bird gliding above, a single black speck framed against the lazy white voluptuous clouds.
Time takes on a transient quality, for once in our busy lives the ever present hands shifting with each passing second grow silent, mute against the sounds of Mother Nature. You marvel, you wonder, you ponder til you can no longer delay the beckoning calls. It’s time to return to reality.
On Giving Grace in 2020
5 years ago
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