Four weeks. Four weeks more of an ever constant impending pressure weighing upon our shoulders before freedom. Pure and simple. Nowadays, every single thought is accompanied by mental lists, a monotonous whisper on loop at the back of your mind.
Transport. 2000 words. Due Monday. History. 3 A3. Due Tuesday. Design. Final autocad designs and model. Due Wednesday. Construction. Interim model. Due Thursday.
This ridiculous amount of stress and pressure is stupid really, a malicious cycle which only worsens with time. The sort of stress where you’re completely overwhelmed by the amount of work to do that it incapacitates your very being til you feel like rolling up in a ball and giving up on society. Yet that is exactly the opposite of what needs to be done, and so the stress worsens as the monstrous deadline approaches.
And like I was discussing with a friend, over and over, we whisper next time. Next time we’ll do better, be better, but all for naught as it is a next time that never comes. Tomorrow may be a new day but why does it feel like a simple replay, rerun of the last.
So I eagerly wait for four weeks/10 assignments, two interims/three exams to past for a proper rest and a proper restart, because after all a new start to a semester ought to be more successful, no?
On Giving Grace in 2020
5 years ago