Where have these past seven months gone? How can time seemingly disappear in a dramatic flourish yet seem so painstakingly slow at the same time? Another half year past, and I am suddenly struck by the inexplicable inspiration to write them down and refresh the memories which will fade without ties to hold them here.
Without a doubt, I have to start with my experience at Gloria’s. The feeling of a first job, your first pay check and cliché or not, the feeling of earning money by yourself, for yourself, was one I won’t forget. Regardless of the low pay, I am thankful for the opportunity to work there when seemingly everyone else judged me for my lack of experience, my past high school age, and whatever other particularities. It was a damaging blow to my self esteem, and even to this day I remember the lows of this period clearly. Now however, I clearly see that I’ve gained all the experience I can in this industry and can no longer keep lying to myself for the sake of comfort, and familiarity. It is high past due time that I moved on to something better, and a more valuable use of my time if not a higher dollar value at the very least.
Of course, with the inlet of money, came a wider array of possibilities, otherwise forsaken. The new job led to funding for my gym and embarking on a road to fitness. The biggest achievement this year being finishing the half marathon. Doubts, insecurities and worries filled me to the core beforehand but I am proud that I took a leap of faith and signed up and in the process stuck by my word and finished it. After a painful hundred and thirty two minutes, the feeling of passing that finish line to the claps and cheers of unknowns is still too enormous to express. And for those who have similar fitness goals, I say go for it, because regardless of where you currently stand, when you sign up, it pushes you and gives you the motivation to continue. Nowadays, I feel somewhat lacking in motivation, but I know the road to fitness is a long and strenuous one and whether I sometimes I get lost and go backwards, I’ll still continue inching forward regardless and probably will for the rest of my life because it’s a priority for me.
Two weeks in particular rise to my mind now, and they were probably the best two weeks of this year to date. My summer course in Tasmania. I initially thought, I’d be homesick in those two weeks away from home for the first time but the complete opposite occurred. Instead I tasted a sense of freedom, and for the most half, it felt like a holiday. To give credit where it is due, I can lay praise at the feet of two people directly. I felt at ease living with them, and happy for their presence. They made my experience at Tasmania fun. From the late night movies crowded in a single bed, to the early morning breakfasts and packed lunches, and the drunken nights and coffee pit stops, I had a great time. Not to say, I didn’t love connecting with the others too, nor that the design workload wasn’t difficult. Just in such good company, the hard things became simple and fun. And even now, one year and seven months down the track, despite sometimes feeling not as close knit as we used to be. I still consider you guys as my best friends.
First semester of second year university definitely felt a lot lighter than the whirlpool of assignments, and horrendous workload which defined first year. I didn’t achieve anywhere close to a suitable mark which I can be satisfied with, and hence I know I have to put in a lot more effort and work at it. But, I am glad for passing that one subject which I dreaded for so long. The feeling, similar to finishing the marathon, made me grin from ear to ear upon opening that email of final results.
My character as a person too I feel like has grown or developed. In social settings, I make a conscious effort to be more outgoing and easygoing, though I’m not quite sure if there’s any visible change. In the same mindset, I’ve tried to be more active in organising meet ups and initiating activities. If I wish to become closer to people, there’s no two ways about it, it’s a give take relationship and I will have to expend the energy to reach out and do so and even to maintain that friendship. But more often than not, these friendships are well worth my time, and I end up gaining more than I give. To those three, that know me best, I am forever glad for your company and friendship, and that you’re always there to listen whether it be rants, tears or happiness and only hope that I can be of similar comfort to you.
Lastly but not least, come in a full circle of these seven months, I’ve finally starting driving. Not much to say, but that I’m enjoying it and god knows why not, I didn’t start sooner.
I guess, after finally sifting through my thoughts and memories, these past seven months didn’t actually disappear, they just got filed away into a dusty cabinet of my mind for me to later dust off, and smile whilst reading them.
On Giving Grace in 2020
5 years ago